02 Aug Image Building Sessions at The MSG Hub
Assalam alaikum ladies.
We are excited to announce that our second Image Building Session is scheduled to take place in sha Allah on the 14th of August, 2016.
Feedback from the MAIDEN EVENT has been very positive and we pray this will be yet another purpose-filled gathering in sha Allah.
The theme for this gathering is Keeping Good Company and we are looking forward to spending time with old friends and meeting new ones. Our aim for this event is to encourage us to seek and maintain good relationships as we journey through life, this we have come to realize from past experiences is an effective way to move closer to Allah.
Many times we seek good company to ease our pain and comfort our lonely hearts, but we forget that we also have a duty to be good company to those who need us. If we are all on the needy side, who then becomes the giver? We need to begin to learn to build our ourselves to become good people who attract others to our goodness.
This and so much more will be discussed on the 14th of August in sha Allah. Please do save the date and bring a date too! Lets share the good we possess with one another.
Date: 14 August 2016
Time: 12Pm – 3Pm
Venue: At-Taleem Islamic School, Sikiru Alade Oloko Street, Off Adebayo Doherty, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos.
Enquiries: 09033139469
Account details: 0049562166 Muslimah Style Guide Limited, Diamond Bank.
This is a pay-what-you-can event.
Do Istikhara Before Choosing That Friend! | Muslimah Style Guide
Posted at 19:53h, 09 August[…] enjoy and join us on the 14th of August 2016 at the MSG hub for more sharing sessions in sha […]