10 Dec What Does Allah Know Of You?
What does Allah know of you?
You are an A student. You are the best employee. You are the most loved. You have the best smile. You have the best body. You are the prettiest. You have the best children. Your friends love you. You family love you. You have 500k virtual followers on social media. You are the talk of town. The bank owners are envious of your bank accounts. You are a leader. You run a profitable company.
But what does Allah know of you? This should be your primary concern.
When people praise, thank, commend and love you, do you stop for a moment to know if Allah is indeed pleased with you? Do you assess your successes and triumphs in life based on whether or not they are in accordance with the commandments and recommendations of Allah?
Ask yourself: What does Allah know of ME?
Is Al-Shahid (Witness of all things) happy with my thoughts, my intentions and my deeds? He sees it all. He knows it all. He is Al Aleem (All-knowing). Assess yourself based on the Holy Quran, the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammed SAW and the history of the blessed companions. What is the content of your life?
With all that you have done and all that you are doing, what does Allah know of you?
You don’t need anyone to commend you on how hard you are striving to please your Lord; neither can anyone give you the answers to the question above. You hold the key.
The love and admiration of the people of the world cant be compared to a heart filled with sincere intentions only to please the One who truly matters. We live in times where the clamor for popularity and validation rule. It’s very easy for people to see and love what is on the outside and turn a blind eye to what’s on the inside, likewise, it’s also easy for us to mask what’s on the inside to get validation from the outside. What a plan.
When you bow before Allah and call Him The Most High, reflect. Is He truly the Most High in your life? Is His validation the only thing that matters? Are all intentions and deeds geared towards Him? Are you constantly and sincerely striving HARD to live a life He is pleased with?
We need to go back to the drawing board. To let go of what and whom we think we are in this fleeting world. We need to seek for validation from the right source, Allah! We need to be better than we were yesterday just to please Allah. We need to set life goals that move us closer to Allah. We need to renounce the world and all it contains and focus on our true source. All that we want belong to Him, so why then should we run to His creation when His arms are wide open waiting to embrace us? Don’t you see it? We turn our backs to the land of bounty, racing to the land of famine and want. Constantly battling for more in a land that is barren, when we have full access to abundance.
Dying to be VIP’s in a land that places no importance on VIT’s (very important things).
Dear sister, decide today to give you answers. What does Allah know of you? Whatever you come up with, always remember there is room for more and as true believers, good is not enough, there is always better.
Anchor Keidi
Posted at 23:16h, 10 DecemberLove this reminder. Jazakillah khayr Sis
Posted at 18:10h, 23 JanuaryThanks for always taking the time out to leave a nice comment. Wa iyyak Sister. Your reminders are beautiful too.
Posted at 02:43h, 11 December“Good is not enough, there is always better” Sighs
JazakiLlahu Khayran
Posted at 18:10h, 23 JanuaryWa iyyak Zulaykha. Yes, theres always better. xx