03 Jun Make Eid Memorable With These Quick Reminders
Salaam ladies
In less than 48 hours we say our final goodbye to the holy month of Ramadan this year. For me, it went by so fast! I wish we had more time in this blessed month. May we be amongst those who are truly victorious in this world and the hereafter. Ameen.
As you know, with the end of Ramadan comes the day of Eid, the day of celebration! Such a blessing to witness the day, may we all be witnesses. Ameen.
What do you have planned this Eid? I’m sure everyone has set out their favourite outfits and plan to have maximum fun inshaAllah. May Allah bless it for us. Ameen.
Below are a few reminders + style tips we believe are beneficial.
- Show Gratitude: Eid is a day of gratitude to Allah for seeing us through the month of Ramadan. It is also a day of hope, hope that our deeds in the holy month are accepted and we are beneficiaries of the mercy of Allah.
So show gratitude! Immense gratitude! It’s a privilege to witness another Eid, many passed away this Ramadan (May Allah forgive them) but we are here. Isn’t that a huge blessing? Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude!
- Remain in Obedience: One of the best ways to show gratitude is obedience. Through the month of Ramadan, we labored and struggled to obey Allah while we sought his mercy and bounty. The day of Eid is no different!
It’s easy to get carried away with the festivities of the day but let this be your reminder :). Everyday is a day to strive for obedience. The day of hunger and the day of bounty alike. So as the day of bounty approaches, tighten your belt and remain the hopeful obedient servant you were in Ramadan.
- Look Great Within The Guidelines: Eid is a day of joy and obedience not a day-off from adherence to our appearance guidelines.
Yes Allah is beautiful and loves beauty!
Yes we are encouraged to look our best on Eid day!
Also, yes we are commanded to strive for modesty according to Islamic guidelines!
The Eid ground should not be a place for display and competition neither should our social media platforms be the door to show-off.
It’s important to also note that even amongst our Muslim sisters, we should check our intention before uncovering and adorning. It’s permissible to be uncovered in front of your sisters but if your intention is to show-off and walk around with pride, it’s detrimental to the state of your good heart. Guard your heart love.
So look good darling sisters! Look good for the sake of Allah. The way to do this is by choosing what pleases Him.
As you dress up for Eid in obedience; set your intentions, walk with humility and guard your heart.
If you feel your outfit isn’t pleasing to Allah or you believe you can do better, don’t hesitate to change it. You can do it!
MSG Recommendations:
Keep It Simple: Whether veiled or not, simplicity is the first thing to strive for. Keep your look simple and fuss-free. Nothing elaborate or extravagant. Modesty is simplicity.
Keep It Covered: After simplicity, strive to keep your look as covered as possible. Start where you are. Do the best you can. Simplicity coupled with coverage moves you a step closer towards covering according to Islamic guidelines.
Keep It Loose: Simple? Check. Covered? Check. Now let’s loosen things up. Your body/curves can take away from the simplicity and coverage you managed to achieve. Looking simple, covered and seductive publicly is not our way as Muslim women. Don’t be tempted to show-off your figure 8. Trrrrrrry! You can do it.
Keep It Stylish: This is last on the list because it’s the least important and simply a bonus! Everyone has a unique style and we all express it differently. Identify styles you like and incorporate them into your look within the confines of Islam. There are so many ways to do this. Subtle details here and there are perfect.
One thing I have learned over the years is this: When your look is simple and neat you already look presentable and dignified.
Eid Mubarak ladies! Have fun, spread love and stay peaceful.
Below are our Eid picks from some MSG Directory brands.
What we love:
The fabric which gives the look a festive feel without any extravagance.
The frilled edge which adds some subtle style
What we love:
The mix of colours
The pleated tiered sleeves
The V-cut
Faiza Nigeria
What we love:
The subtle colour
The flared sleeves in a metallic fabric that gives a nice contrast
What we love :
The simplicity
The subtle style shown via frilled hems and layers on the niqab.
Doll House
What we love:
The colour
The detailed bubble sleeves
Details of all the featured brands can be viewed HERE
If you know anyone who will benefit from this post, do share the goodness <3
Posted at 12:42h, 03 JuneJazakumullah khayran, this was really helpful
Posted at 13:11h, 03 JuneAmeen. May Allah reward you too Sister. Please share with anyone you know will benefit. ?